Endings and Beginnings

 Today is the last day of my first semester teaching. I was hired as a full time substitute teaching in the building and immediately given 4 English I and 2 English II classes. Although not my content area, I am a voracious reader and decent college-level writer. I enjoyed teaching English very much but won't be here next year. I don't know where I'll be next year and that's a little unnerving. 

Anyway, if you followed my other blog you will notice some changes. I'm a single mom now, a teacher, 2 of my children are still home and I have full custody. Dad isn't in the picture. It's hard. Every day I wonder what will come up next and that is anxiety inducing. I try to just put one foot in front of the other. Life doesn't turn out like you expect I guess. 

I enjoyed writing before and I think that I will enjoy it again, so here goes. I'll try to get the blog spiffied up and start writing during summer break, with the hopes that I can keep it up. Here's to new beginnings.


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