Comfort in the Known
I'm watching Jurassic Park right now. You might think that's an odd choice. A lot of people do. I'm a 46 year old female.....I should be watching dramatic movies or RomCom or straight up romances....right? Well, we will get into why those things will almost never be choices of mine later. I love dinosaur movies and alien movies. Especially alien movies where we kick alien butt. I also like natural disaster movies. This is my movie collection. I round it out with Smokey and the Bandit, Dirty Dancing and both versions of Footloose. Usually when I sit down to watch Jurassic Park I plan for it to be a whole day deal and I start early. There are 6 movies now and that takes a while. Usually a whole day of knitting is planned and I snuggle in and go. I don't need to pay attention because I can quote all but the newest movie and I'm getting close with that one. So many people think it's strange that I have this obsession with these movies and watch them over and over ...